Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York, Inc.

Lawyers Connect Meet the Judges

  • June 01, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036
New York City Bar Members $20.00
Non-Members $40.00


Join us for a panel and networking session with federal, state and city judges. The panel will offer helpful tips on what judges look for in lawyers and the very important do's and don'ts in the courtroom. The panel will be followed by small group discussions in a speed networking-style format, where the attendees will be able to meet the judges and ask questions. If you think your career path will bring you to the courthouse and before a judge, don't miss this program! Snacks and drinks will be served.

Moderator: Hon. Rosalyn H. Richter, NYS Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Dept.

Panel: Hon. Anothony J. Ferrara, Acting Justice, NY Supreme Court; Hon. Debra A. James, NY Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County; Hon. Andrea Masley, NY Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County; Hon. Delissa A. Ridgway, U.S. Court of International Trade; Hon. Philip Straniere, Supervising Judge, NYC Civil Court, Richmond County; Hon. Lillian Wan, NYC Family Court, Kings County

Please note we cannot offer refunds for this event.

Lawyers Connect was created to help you excel in your professional life, maintain a personal life, and enjoy your legal career.

Register Here: https://services.nycbar.org/iMIS/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=LCMJ050417&WebsiteKey=f71e12f3-524e-4f8c-a5f7-0d16ce7b3314


271 Cadman Plaza East, #23325
Brooklyn, NY  11201


(347) 913-6949

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